Hello Bill, What wonderful pictures !!!! I loved the interior shots of Kylemore Abbey ! I never made it inside for the tour ! The photos of Gaynors Pub in Leenane put a smile on my face. Do you happen to know if Hillary ( pub owner) has recovered from his illness ? He certainly was a pleasure to speak with. He had so many great stories! The slideshow was great, I was able to "dream" about our trip in 2004 over my morning cup of coffee ! Cheers! Mark D.
Thanks for sharing! Makes it a little easier to wait for September. You have some excellent photos, travel brochure quality. Makes me want to go to Ireland...no, wait, everything makes me want to go to Ireland...but you get the idea.
Roy, Mark, Bob, Judy: Thanks for your kind compliments, and I'm glad you enjoyed the pix. Trust me, it was all MY pleasure! Can't wait to go back and see the things we had to miss.
MarkD: Can't answer your question about Hillary, sorry. We stopped at Gaynor's long enough for Irish Coffee and a Guinness, and had to leave. Very warm reception, tho, and we enjoyed the stop. I'd do that again in a heartbeat.
I put a picture of Hilliary in my Avatar. I was told a year or so ago that he had suffered a stroke. Let's hope he is fully recovered. Nice to see the pub is still open, and serving Irish Coffee and Guiness ! Cheers! Mark D.
Many thanks for your recent contribution to the "Community Funding" piggybank! It really helps keep the forum going when people contribute a bit here and there. Thank you!
Many thanks for your recent contribution to the "Community Funding" piggybank! It really helps keep the forum going when people contribute a bit here and there. Thank you!
I think "Many Thanks" is MY line, Michele ... You've done a great job here, and I appreciate it. Bill