Michele, I noticed that aaroadwatch provides distances in either miles or km. I want to print their directions, and was wondering, what do they usually use in Ireland?
What are the Ireland cars' odometers track, miles or km? Thanks
In the Republic of Ireland they have recently changed over to kilometers, hence the cars' odometers will refelct that too. Unless you get an older car! There are still some older signs that are still in miles. Northern Ireland is in miles so if you cross the border it is a whole different thing.
The reason I always tell everyone to get it in miles and then divide by 35 is so they can figure out how much time it will take to drive from place to place. I guess I will have to go metric and figure out the average speed in kilometers so I can get a new number to divide by. But I am not a number person. I guess I will assign that to my husband.
Michele, We will not cross to Northern Ireland and since we're getting an automatic, it will probably be a newer car (not sure what makes me think that...)
Anyway, I'll use miles to figure out the time and km for printed directions