Anyone out there have a recommendation for a nice quiet B&B in the Salthill section of Galway? Nothing extravagent, just clean and quiet. Thank you. O'Malley
I booked at Marless House in Salthill. They were recommended by Michele, and from all accounts, you can't go worng with that! When are you going? I will be happy to report back. We are leaving on May 12th.
I second Marless House. We stayed there in Sep, 2004 and loved it. A short walk to the promenade. Loved the hostess and the breakfast. The room was clean and very nice. Merle
Marless House sounds great! We aren't going until early october. I have the itinerary mapped out and now am getting the list of "possible" b&b's together. Thank you all for the great help! O'Malley