We leave Wednesday for our 17 day jaunt! Can't wait! (Although I have a cold I am despreately trying to shake.)
A question: we'll be on the road a lot. In the states, when we have to pee, we simply look for a fast food joint.
In Ireland (we'll be diving the southern route, starting in Dublin, heading toward Dingle, then up to Galway) if one needs to go and one is on some rural road, where should one look for a WC?
No worries. Although fast food joints aren't as popular on Irish backroads, petrol stations, restaurants, pubs and other public buildings are there when you need them. If you're planning to be on the really, really, really backroads, then maybe bring your own TP ;)
When inquiring...it's usually easier to ask for the toilet than saying bathroom (you can't take a bath there) or powder room (no powder in there either) or water closet. Most people know what you're asking for, but when people are caught off guard, they can be very confused by your question.
Normally it is not a problem, as you can find some place to go or you will be in such a remote area that nature can take its course if that is all that is available! And please take Corey's advice on asking to use the "toilet," not the "bathroom." About the only strange stares we received in a week in the country was when one of our group asked for the bathroom. That appears to not make much sense to them.
Yes, ask for the "toilet" (even though to us it sounds quite crude) -- we asked for a "bathroom" and got funny looks. And as far as stopping (something everyone eventually has to do) the petrol stations had some of the cleanest bathrooms I ever saw---old plumbing, old tile but scubbed to within an inch of it's life. I was so impressed!
In Ireland a "bathroom" is a place you take a bath. That's why you got the strange looks when asking for them. Just ask for the "toilet" or ladies or mens room.