Hey folks, I was just curious if anyone had heard about this. My mom said she saw on the news that a Continental Flight from Ireland landing in Newark had the toilets back up and over flow through the plane making some of the passengers sick. She wasn't sure if she heard the information correctly and I was wondering if anyone else had heard about it. Jeanne
Yeah, it's true. "Good Morning America" had a segment on it this morning. Even had pics of the mess and of a flight attendant wearing a mask and shower cap like it was a hazardous material spill, which I guess it was.
I didn't catch the departure/destination info but it was a transatlantic flight. Not a good thing to deal with for 8 minutes, let alone 8 hours!
Apparently the culprit was a pair of surgical-type gloves stuffed in the toilet.
What I had heard was it was a flight from Amsterdam. They had some problem with one of the toilets, so they stopped in Shannon, Ireland to have it fixed. Then they took off again over the ocean. About 1/3 of the way over, the toilet started spewing sewage. YUCK! I can't imagine being on a plane with that going on! So there wasn't really any turning back... Val