With the help of ActiveBoard I tracked you down and found out who the other contributor to the forum was. Thank you sooooo much for your generosity. Not only to the community funding but to every aspect of the forum. You share you knowledge in a zillion wonderful ways. Thanks for being who you are - an IrelandYes Irregular and the forum Pollyanna. We need you here.
You get an IrelandYes award too. I will have to restock the awards after this week!
It had been my hope to remain a shadow, as I don't need any awards for doing something that brings me such immense pleasure. Before I found your board and Pat's, I had tried to share my information on other forums with mixed reactions. It has truly been a blessing to find this home. It is a place that I can come to and share my knowledge or find a smile on a long day.
I'm glad this feels like "home" and a place you are comfortable with. It is nice to have people like you and everyone else offering advice and helping others. It is only a virtual award and done "tongue in cheek". Didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable. Just wanted to offer my thanks.