Lonely Planet has named Ireland the world's friendliest country. I think we all knew that already! Isn't that why we continue going back again and again?
sure, I'll second that, all in favor..... That's why we go to Sweden via Ireland. Mary and I just got Lonely Planet's book on Sweden. One person covers the Northern half and another girl writes about the southern half. Of coarse with our daughther Nancy as a personal tour guide, it has made it a lot more simple. -gary:)
wow, I just noticed that I'm a veteren member now. can't figure out why I deserve that honor. Havn't realy done much. Although , I do remember I once qualified to be the jester of your royal court. YOu seem to have gathered some very worthy and loyal members since. -gary
good come back Bill, and you are correct. While I got your attention, when you stayed at Atlantic View B&B in Doolin, was it an easy hike into the town's pubs or must I drive to the pubs. ??/ thanks for any ifo. -gary
We drove though it could be walked in about 15 minutes. We tended to have cold, windy or rainy weather (or all of the above) when we were there so the temptation to walk was slight.
How nice of you to say that about the forum! Being a senior has its advantages. I got a senior discount automatically at the grocery store the other day and I don't even qualify officially yet. Do you think the 16-year-old cashier thought I looked old? And how come they give discounts to children and seniors? Are we "growing down"?
I think it's great and very fitting that Lonely Planet has named Ireland the world's friendliest country! Thanks for sharing that, Michele. It gives me a smile just to think about it.
My husband and I are the same age (not yet eligible for senior discounts.) But when we go to the movies my husband likes to buy the senior ticket on-line because it's cheaper. I always tell him, don't you dare buy me a senior ticket, I'm not a senior yet! So our tickets are 2 different prices! Actually I'm looking forward to being a senior because I will remind myself of my beloved Irish "Nanny" (grandmother)! However when you're on a date with your husband, you don't want him to buy you a senior ticket before the time is right.