If you have not already been keeping track of Corey's travels throughout Ireland this year, I strongly encourage you to check in to see what he is up to. Not only are his blogs entertaining, but you can also look at his beautiful photos for each week. His Expense Report will fill you in on costs in Ireland. And don't forget to listen to the podcasts.
Thanks for the kind words, everyone. I'm having a great time in Ireland and loving the comments and emails people are sending.
The weather has been fantastic...big change from last summer. I'm seeing fewer Americans, but more Europeans and Australians.
For those who are following along...my Dublin-on-a-Budget visit just turned into my first ever Posh Day. I must say, Posh Day is lots of fun...pampering myself and doing all kinds of swanky things I usually miss out on. Posh Day ends at noon tomorrow, so I've got to enjoy it while it lasts.
That's the problem with Posh Days. We can only afford them infrequently and they are soon over. Looking forward to more adventures. Don't ask me about the one concerning a Faulty Towers hotel, a self-opening door and a toilet seat with only one screw. Fortunately all was forgiven because "they are just Yanks".