Greetings, Are there other cliffs worth visiting in addition to the famous Cliffs of Moher? Somewhere in my research I seem to remember reading about another set of cliffs which were not as well known to the tourist public. Not even sure if they are near the area will will be going to,(Killarney,Kenmare). .thanks, Jim
There is Slieve League in Donegal. But you are not going there. I personally like Loop Head (south of Cliffs of Moher in Co. Clare). Although they are gentler and not as high as the famous Cliffs of Moher, it is a less tourist populated area and the drive to them is beautiful with sea arches, etc. Ballybunion has cliffs with a walk along them. In fact the whole SW of Ireland has cliffs of one sort or another. There are also some impressive mountain passes.
As Michele said, you'll actually find beautiful cliffs south of Kilkee all the way to Loophead. The Bridges of Ross are interesting if you make the short hike along the cliffs. No, they are not as high ad Moher, but certainly beautiful.
It's the sheer drop off that makes CoM so impressive. Sleive League is amazing but the drop off is slighly less dramatic. There are some beautiful sea cliffs on Achill too.
Again, as Michele said, SW Ireland has all sorts of sea cliffs. If you want to play golf along some (and want to take out a second mortgage) The Old Head golf course is amazing. They will not let you in unless you are playing.
While certainly not as towering as the Cliffs of Moher, the coast drive from Inch Strand into Dingle should also fit the bill -- as does much of Slea Head -- particularly the Three Sisters rest area.