Cameras & Film Does anyone know if film is more expensive in Ireland than the U.S.? Also, what about film developing? Even if it's not one of the one hour places, does it cost a lot more to get your film developed there? It would seem much easier to just buy film and have it developed there than to risk it being ruined with the x-ray machines.
film Film in Ireland seems to be more expensive. It's easier to just buy it @ home and bring it with you.
Anita Unregistered User (5/13/03 7:38 pm)
Film Film and developing and printing are definitely more expensive. You don't have to worry about film 400 speed and under if it's in your carry-on. Exposed film is at no risk at the exray machines. Don't put your film in one of those lead bags if you're going to put your film in your checked baggage, that will only make them crank up the power on the exray. Before I went I found a web site that had done some experiments and found that film up to 400 speed could be taken through a number of exray machines without problem (I think they took some through as many as 32 times). Higher speed films are more sensitive all around, but I had one of those throw-away cameras in my carry-on that had 800 speed film in it and there was no problem.
Most things in Ireland are more expensive than the States including film and developing. I have gone digital now but in the days when I traveled with film I used a lead lined bag and put it in my carry on. You can also request a hand inspection of your film.
ccsparks Unregistered User (5/27/03 10:45 am)
Camera & Film Thanks for everyone's reply. I guess I didn't phrase my question right...I'm aware of low film speed and the ability to make it through the x-ray machine. I have a digital camera but also like to use my slr and use 800 film in it. My question should have said-how much does film cost in Ireland and how much does it cost to have it developed?
wojazz3 Registered User Posts: 277 (5/28/03 5:36 pm)
Re: Camera & Film I certainly can't give you an exact price but I'll give some thoughts.
1. If you are using professional quality film, it is pretty hard to find outside of the big cities and you will have to look pretty hard to find it there. I think a roll of Something like Kodak Max 800 is probably about E6-8. I don't remember what I paid to have one hour developing the only time I did it, but for 24 exp it was less than E10.
2. If you are using an SLR, you should probably be using professional film. The other films are made for point and shoot cameras and the colors are adjusted to compensate for the lower quality lenses. That's why so many people will tell you that there pictures on their point and shoot look as good as the ones on their expensive SLR. It's because they used the wrong film in the SLR. The cheaper fil will skew the colors slightly in an SLR. You probably already know all this, but I thought I would throw it in.
3. I presume that you want the 800 speed film for indoor pictures. Otherwise, there is no reason for it. In most cases 400 will work, though you may have to slow your lense down to about 90 in low light. I've taken a tripod and found it to be very useful.
4. I'm guessing you want to buy it and develop it before you cross to avoid the potential damage. 800 speed should survive in the heaviest lead bags and, at least in the US, the security people are required to hand check film if you request it. This is an FAA requirement, and they will argue the point, but somewhere I have a copy of the regulation if you want to get into it with them. That said, if you do that, you are guaranteed the full scale strip search that the security people get to give and you will get it again and again. I have a couple of professional photog friends and they make the security types check the very high speed film that they use and they get searched to the fullest extent of the law every time.
I think people tried to answer you question by telling you that it will be more expensive there. Prices will obviously vary as much as they do in the US. You can pay anywhere from about $6.50-$20.00 for developing here, so exact prices there will be hard to come by. Finding a developer you trust may be a tough one too.
If you need an exact price I suggest going to the web site for Boots Chemists: Once there you can browse the section about photo developing and send them an email with your inquiries. There are Boots all over Ireland.
I hope they are able to help you.
ccsparks Unregistered User (6/1/03 9:27 am)
Camera & Film Thanks Bill & Michelle!! Those were the answers I was looking for. Bill-I also have a copy of that paper that can be shown to the "searchers" but was afraid of what you said...the full scale search. Again...thanks to both of you!!