Do you have any contact information for the vat refund organization that does not process vat refunds on the spot at the the airports? I'm not talking about "Global Refund," but the company that just has a drop box next to Global Refund at Dublin Airport. I have had no luck finding info on the internet. I don't remember what the company was called!
Thanks for any info you may have!
mikey Unregistered User (10/2/03 12:30 pm)
Taxback If it is the purple and white forms it is TaxBack... I've search for a website but could not find one. TAXBACK.COM, 20 Eden Quay, Dublin, Ireland International phone: 01 670 6959 Irish Phone: 1800 Tax Back (829 2225) E-mail Address:
Ande Unregistered User (10/17/03 10:32 am)
VAT Hi Michele,
I forgot to follow up with a response. This information you posted is for income tax refunds, not vat refunds.
I have resigned myself to the fact that I'll never get my money back since I can't seem to find this company to contact them. If anyone still has their paperwork with the contact information, I would love to have it. Again, I'm talking about the company that requires you to leave your receipts and paperwork in a drop box at the airport.