Looking for a Dublin city map. Can anyone help? Hello again!! I am looking for a Dublin city map. In Sept. when I went to London I was able to get a city map in a tourist type book sent to my home via a web site. Does anyone know if I could get such a thing for Dublin? The book I got for London was a small book that told of tourist attractions, hotels, places to eat, etc. and in the back in had small, but detailed maps of London. This is what I'm looking for regarding Dublin. Any ideas?? Thanks!
wojazz3 Registered User Posts: 349 (1/22/04 2:55 pm)
Re: Looking for a Dublin city map. Can anyone help? Hi Tia:
I've used the Streewise maps before and they are pretty good for city center type stuff. If you want the whole city, they don't really cover that. They are pretty nice in that they are compact and laminated and easy to read. You can find them at places like Barnes & Noble and probably Borders. Also, www.streetwisemaps.com/index.html has them online.
A good online map of Dublin can be found at: www.softguides.com/dublin...entre.html The Acrobat file that you can download doesn't provide very good detail though.
Click here to buy a Dublin street map: Dublin Map then click on "Street Maps on the left side of the page and select Dublin Street Map. You can also visit your local bookstore to see what they have available. You can choose to wait till you get to Ireland to purchase a map. They are available almost everywhere.
For an online map of Dublin go to: http://www.mysecureform.com/iismaps/dubcity.jpg http://www.visitdublin.com/maps/ Michele