Bunratty Banquet v. Tradional Night The early seating of the Bunratty Banquet is already full for the 2 nights we will be there at the end of June, and my 7 year old will not be able to stay awake for the later seating. We have booked the tradional night instead. Do you think the kids will like it as well? Thanks, jennifer
Re: Bunratty Banquet v. Tradional Night Hi Jennifer,
The kids might actually enjoy the Ceili more. There is a lot of interaction, sing-alongs and audience participation. Also, it is usually not as crowded. Instead of sitting on long benches in the castle where they really pack you in like sardines, you have your own chair at a farmhouse table. The stage is elevated so that everyone gets a good view. The kids might even get to go onstage to dance with the colleens. In fact, when you arrive (if you think they would like to do that) ask the man greeting you at the door if it would be possible.
Enjoy your night out at the Ceili!
stannseniors Registered User Posts: 90 (3/19/04 6:28 pm)
ceili i want to second the ceili...my husband and i both liked the ceili more - the banquet was a little crowded and i felt rushed sometimes (simply because they had to get everything passed out so they could continue the evening and get the second group in later)---i felt much more relaxed in the ceili while still being very entertained - it help my husband's attention (he has ADD) and that's saying alot, lol
Jennifer Unregistered User (3/19/04 8:53 pm)
Traditional Night (Celli) Thank you both, now I feel better about missing the banquet. I guess we could always go to the one in Vegas.