I am a college student, and I am looking into going to Ireland for a semester to a year and I want to go to the town of Derry or Londonderry whichever you choice to call. My mother is freaking out because it is in Northern Ireland and she keeps telling me that it is not safe because I am female and a was raised Catholic and that i cannot go. She has never been to Ireland. I personally think she is making of a lot of what she is saying up because she does not want me to leave but I still want to go and told her that I would look up the safety of the area and see what I could find and everything like. As I was doing that came across your website and thought I would ask you about it since you have been to Ireland so many times and see what your thought were about the safety and any advice on how to calm her down about the location would be helpful.
I visit Northern Ireland (including Derry) all the time. Long gone are the days of "the troubles". Things are different now. As long as you are not planning on getting involved in hot political and religious debates in pubs you will be fine. But young people must use common sense as they would in any city. Although Derry is much safer than most major US cities you don't want to go walking alone at night in unsavory neighborhoods and things like that. I'm sure if you will be attending college in Ireland you will soon make a circle of friends and when you go out on the town you will be with a group. Just use the same due caution you would anywhere else and have fun.