Hi Everybody, Ijust found this website today.My name is Michael Thornton and our family have been farming in Millstreet, Co. Cork since 1893. My wife and our 2 kids have opened a B&B on our farm last summer(please check www.coolefieldhouse.ie. I hope any of you dont have issues with a commercial entity like ours posting on your website. We want our B&B TO BE A SUCCESS BUT WE WANT OUR CUSTOMERS EXPECTATIONS TO BE EXCEEDED ALSO. We would like any of you that come to the south of Ireland to spend time with us but if you are not feel free to ask for advice or help anyway. Kind Regards and Best Wishes Michael
Welcome to my forum. You must be very proud of your new endeavor and want to spread the word to the whole world. Being new at the B&B business you might want to take a more subtle, low-key approach to advertising it on various forums. Many that I know of (Trip Advisor and Fodors being two) will not stand for any form of advertising. If you posted this message on one of those forums you would be skewered, banned and run off in flames!
Instead you might want to offer advice on your area and save your info for your signature line. You can see mine below underneath my post. Forums survive by offering good info to others. Sharing and helping others have a good trip to Ireland is what this forum is all about. The lodgings that I personally recommend are places that I have visited and/or stayed and have passed my stringent requirements. Other forum members also recommend places that they have stayed and like.
I had a look at your website and your B&B looks lovely. It reminds me of Dualla House in Cashel, which I recommend in my book and on this website.
My best advice about posting in other places is to first read the rules, abide by the rules, then be very subtle about your approach.
You can get a free listing on Trip Advisor's website. But be careful on their forums. Also, don't be tempted to write your own review on TA. That is forbidden there. It is best to let your reputation build up over time. Word of mouth and referals from past customers is the best advertisement.
While I was contemplationg a response, I see that Michele has already responded ...
I was going to say that Michele generally does NOT permit Self- Advertisment, but she DOES welcome Comercial Members, such as Bit Devine ( CowboyCraic ) , Corey ( yesiree ) and Kate ( EngagingKate ).
I might add that, although I am familiar with the area and several of Millstreet's inhabitants, I don't believe that Michael and I have ever met, so I am not in a position to vouch for either his intentions, nor his establishment.
But I do intend to rectify those failings on my part, as soon as practicable
I certainly can understand Michael's confusion over tolerance for commercial 'PLUGS' given MY history of what I refer to as "Shameless Comercial Plugs", vis a vis, Ciaran Wynne, the town of Millstreet, the Mill Grill, in Midelton, John Spillane and Emer Dunne --- to name just a FEW!
Also, given my personal 'Love Affair' with Millstreet, I assume Best Intentions from anyone who hails from the Fairest of Towns in All of Ireland. Hopefully, though, SEVERAL lessons ( in decending order) may be drawn from this Thread :
1) Michele is CLEARLY the most Gracious and Tolerant of all Ireland Web Hosts and Hostess.
2) Millstreet REALLY is a wonderous and welcome location.
3) That, MAYBE, between the lot of us, we can convince Michele to spend some time in Millstreet.
--- I know that I've been eager to have her do so, for quite some time!
Because if BOB suggests it, it doesn't ( and SHOULDN'T ) carry even ONE-HALF the strength of something that Michele Recommends.
Help Us to Help You. The more you tell us about your plans (dates, interests, budget), the better we can tailor our advice to suit!
I often drive through Millstreet but haven't stayed there yet. Perhaps I should take your advice and stay next time. After all if you recommend it Millstreet must be one of the best!
Thanks for your kind words. People who are new at something deserve a break because they don't know the ropes yet. I always assume that everyone has good intentions - unless they later prove otherwise. But 98% of the people I meet and/or work with are a joy.
I hope that you will stick around and become a contributer to the forum. Most of us here are from the USA but we do have members from other countries including Ireland. It is always great to get first-hand info about Ireland from someone who lives there year-round. tony2phones is another Irish member who lives (I believe) in the Co. Galway area.
Yes a post like this would be erased on TA but there are many Accommodation hosts who do post and make some excellent contributions without making recommendation for their own establishments. On the other hand there are posts which recommend a specific place as being the best place they stayed in glorious detail without a mention of anywhere else from a 2 week stay, these posts suffer the wrath of many including myself on occasion. At least this post is up front and not trying to sneak in through the back door, that at least deserves a level of tolerance. Perhaps a sweetener of some discount to Travel Yes members might be offered at some point?
Yes my location is south east Galway with views extending over Clare, Tipperary and Offaly within 2 minutes drive and whilst I don't run a B&B I do welcome visitors to pop in for a brew if they are near by or pitch their tents in the back and there's a caravan for unexpected guests and family.
Two rules for Ireland, Take your time & bring a sense of humour
Hi Michele, Thank you for not having me run off and all those other nasty things. I will be active on this site if I may however Iwould like to say that I know the south of Ireland very well particularly Co. Cork,Kerry,Clare Limerick and Waterford. If there is any advice or help that I can give I will and it will be genuine. Personally I am a fan of the great outdoors particularly hillwalking and fishing.If someone is looking for info on festivals notably cultural ones let me know. Michele you will have to visit us here in Millstreet. By the way Brian Dennehy the actor is a Millstreet Man well his father was anyway. Please check out Millstreet.ie Kind regards and Happy St. Patricks day to everybody Michael
Hello Bob, Your posting on your last holiday on Millstreet was how I got to the site.You mentioned Buckleys. I wonder by any chance is that Eily Buckley, a wonderful Lady and Millstreet Legend. I am looking forward to your return to Co. Cork Michael Thornton By the way I'm sure that you know everybody in Millstreet knows everybody else.!!!!!
Michael -- Actually, we stay at Catherine and Noel's house, in Dooneen. Although I have exchange communications with Eli, we've never had the good fortune to have met face-to-face. We rented the house in Dooneen for two weeks, in June of 2009 and for one week, this past July.
I've got a request in to check availability for a week, THIS June. . We'll be in Millstreet for a VERY brief visit on the morning of 1 April, too, as part of a 1 week trip -- but we'll actually be staying in Adare and East Cork.
But, we'll be BACK, in June, for two weeks -- at least ONE of which will be spent in Millstreet.
You should have your place listed on the Millstreet web site. They have a pretty good ACCOMMODATIONS page.
Help Us to Help You. The more you tell us about your plans (dates, interests, budget), the better we can tailor our advice to suit!
You mentioned in the other post, about trad music at a pub in Knocknagree on Sunday evenings.
Since we will be spending a week at a self cater near Millstreet, March 31-April 6, we would be interested in any other trad sessions in area pubs within reasonable driving distance of Millstreet. Any suggestions? Thanks....from one of the Irelandyes irregulars! Dan
Hi Dan, There is Trad Music in Knocknagree over weekends. Scullys pub in Newmarket has a session every week however im not certain which night but I will find out what is happening during the week for you. Talk soon and happy paddys Day Mike