In looking to purchase some Euros so that I can have cash handy on arrival (ON TUESDAY!!) someone told me that many areas in Europe only accept credit/debit cards with a "chip and pin", meaning that the traditional magnetic strip cards may not work at certain gas stations, restaurants, etc.
We are travelling to Dublin and Galway, should I be concerned that the credit card I planned on using for the majority of transactions is not chip and pin?
If it is a US issued, non- 'Chip and Pin', you should have NO problems with either a Visa or MasterCard. AMEX is less accepted than those two and Discover is not so much. Oddly enough, Diner's Club seems to have a SMALL, but loyal following and you will sometimes see their logo ?????
Some SMALLER places may not accept ANY credit cards at all -- more due to the associated fees, rather than type -- so it is best to always keep enough Euro on hand. Fortunately, ATMs are becoming almost ubiquitous and they are invariably you BEST source of currency.
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As Bob says, no worries about "chip and pin". You may have to go into the petrol station rather than insert a card into a slot at a pump. You will have to sign a slip after running your credit card instead of using a PIN.
There were a couple of times on our last trip that we were told (in retail stores) that they couldn't take our card because it didn't have the chip, but that isn't true. The clerk just didn't know how to process it. We had to have them call a manager to have it processed correctly, but it can be done.
Also, if you're using a card and they ask if you want to have it charged in dollars or local currency, do not let them charge it in dollars. Your exchange rate will be horrible!