i heard that the theatre is wonderful in dublin. we will be there our first two nights (coming from boston). not sure how tired we'll be, but we were told if we could see a show we should. we would also like to see some of the "traditional pubs" there as well. maybe too much right away, not sure. any advice on that?
i was wondering if you have advice on the different theatres in dublin. seems that there are no plays at the abbey or paramount during the time we'll be in dublin (june 6-7), however the gate theatre will have one but will know more in a month or so on what it will be. i was wondering if there are smaller theatres that are known for good productions (not looking for somthing "dark", the gaiety theatre is playing the "year of the hiker" at that time).
we were also thinking about doing the literary pub crawl in dublin....have you been on it? OR the musical pub crawl in dublin.....http://viator.com/tours/Dublin/2932MPC/Traditional-Irish-Musical-Pub-Crawl&ADREF=02&source=goog&keyword=dublin%20pub%20crawl?gclid=CKOZ4I-UhIMCFR-vJAodjTxziA
asked the people who run the literary crawl which pubs it goes to and the they said it was more about the readings and not the crawling (i had just not wanted to repeat pubs since we only have two nights there). the music one seems to be in the temple bar area and that seems to be a favorite area of many in the forum.....