We found our first disabled holiday accommodation abroad by accident on the internet and took the risk, which turned out to be lucky. Our son Christopher is a disabled wheelchair user, and we now love to go on holiday, but were frightened for many years.
While looking for our next break we have found an apartment that is "disabled friendly", but the bathroom doorway is too narrow for a wheelchair to fit through. We also found another that is perfect, were it not for the six steep steps leading up to the front door.
We are building up a free resource of disabled friendly accommodation that is only reviewed and recommended by a disabled person, family member or carer (No spin).
We need people to send information of where they have been and give us some feedback about them. If they have some photos that would be great as we all like to know what other places look like. Our aim is that many other people in the same situation will also benefit from all we can collect and show.