Here is the advice I have read: rent a bike in town, ride to Ross Castle. At Ross Castle, jump on the boat (with bikes) to the Lord Brandon's Cottage, and cycle through the gap and back into town.
We have one full day in Killarney (two nights) and would love to do something like this with our time. Is this do-able in one day? I did a search on the board and saw that the ride shouldn't be too strenuous in most places - I havent ridden a bike in a very long time but I am fairly fit and should have no trouble getting used to it again ( you know how the saying goes... :))
I am also moderately fit, but I can tend to be inordinately lazy, by inclination, so I can't speak from personal experience, but the route recommended to you makes the BEST sense, unless the object is to spend most of your time pushing the bike uphill!
Dunno about taking the bike on the boat, or if there is a fee involved. There is a large bike rental place opposite the Tourist Office, that is close to the Ross Road entrance.
The main road back into Killarney cqn get pretty heavy with traffic, but it is a nice stretch.
It's certainly do-able in a day.
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Bob - thank you! Haha, your post made me laugh. Thank you for the info. I think that this would be a really fun thing to do and I am glad to hear that its do-able in a day. I take it that Ross Road would be the way to Ross Castle? I am ok with paying a fee to get the bike on the boat, assuming its within reason...
I did the Gap on horseback in my younger days. Never again! I had sore muscles I never knew I had. Having a rather frisky horse with a mind of its own didn't help either. He knew I was a novice.
If you have not been on a bike in years I suggest getting back on one and in shape before the trip. Otherwise, opt for the horse-drawn jaunting cars.
Send an email to Dero's Tours and ask about the bike on the boat:
Thanks Michele - you are braver than I!! I am one of the rare people who are afraid of horses and not a big fan of being around them. I dont think you could pay me to ride one on a road I have never been on! :) And I believe it that the horse knew you were a novice, heh, they are smart buggers.
Is the road itself pretty intense? Or are you just suggesting that I get a feel for a bicycle again first?
I will send an email today. Thank you for the link.
If you have not been on a bike in years you will find all those sore muscles after your adventure in the Gap. Some parts of the road are steeper than others. You can always walk up them and glide down. Maybe you should re-acquaint yourself with biking a bit to prepare.