Is the rental car return area (Don Dooley) clearly marked at Dublin airport? Flight out is 2:PM so time shouldn't be an issue but just a last minute check to see if more route mapping is in order!!
Thanks, less than 48 hours until on the ground in Ireland.....
I am not going to hazard a guess as to the location of the rental return, as I try to avoid Dublin airport for the most part.
I just wanted to wish you a safe journey and a blessed, wonderful adventure whilst you were there. My hope is that time will stand still for you whilst there. Barring that, I hope that the magic fills your heart as soon as you see her come in to view through the plane window.
I don't think you will have a problem. Although larger than Shannon, Dublin Airport is small when compared to many in the US. The car rental returns are clearly marked.
Thanks everyone!! This was what I was hoping for and oh so timely!! I will go look at the website and print out the map more than likely.
I will definitely post a report on the return, I hope it's not too "blurry" a trip as I know I've got quite a bit planned but as a novice, isn't that what we do?!?