I plan on traveling in September, 2008. What is your idea on the best time to rent a car? With the value of the dollar getting worse, would it better to lock in a price now or wait until later, say July or August and hope the prices get better? Some car companies quote in US Dollars and some quote in EUROs. Would it be better to take a quote in US dollars or take a quote in EUROS? What is your idea and/or opinions on that?
I don't think you need to worry about getting a car real early if you are going in September. Also when I went I rented my car through Dan Dooley and indeed paid for it in dollars instead of Euros. Made sense then, and even more now.
I wish I had a crystal ball and could answer your questions about when to rent. I suppose when getting quotes you need to convert those companies quoting euros to dollars or vice versa so you get quotes you can compare. It takes a lot of work. I generally keep a folder of prices when I am looking at rental cars.
If you get the quote in euros it can fluctuate. In dollars it would be locked in.