I was reading through Insurance4carhire's web site and discovered that one of the requirements, if you have to make a claim, is to furnish them you bank name, mailing address, sort codes and account details so they can make peyment directly to your bank.
In this day and time, does this sound scary to you?
I have actually heard of someone who got some insurance payment back from insurance4carhire and they did mention the the whole process took a couple of weeks. Their refund was put directly into their account.
Since it is a British company perhaps it bypasses the problems of currency exchange. And if they send you a check in pounds sterling it would cost you $30 or more just to put it into your account.
If you did have an accident there are so many banks vying for your business that you could open an account, get your money and then close it.
But you are correct that you need to be very careful with everything nowadays. Thanks for reading the "fine print".