My sister and I are planning to visit Ireland in September. We prefer not to drive. Any advice regarding public transportation would be appreciated. We plan to divide our time between Dublin and Galway, then end up in County Carlow for a special function.
Welcome to my forum! If you click on IrelandYes Index (on the light blue bar near the top of the forum) and then on Transport you will find links to public transportation in Ireland. Dublin and Galway would make good bases because you can get day tours from both places. Getting to Carlow will be more difficult. But take a look at the bus and train schedules to see what suits you.
Thanks for your very quick reply! I was able to find the information you suggested. I hope to get responses from someone who has actually used the train/bus services. I noted that the time to travel between Dublin and Galway is about the same whether you go by bus or train. But the difference in price is significant! So much so that I am asking myself, "What's wrong here?" Is there something about bus travel that I might need to know? We are both over 70, which is a main reason we decided not to rent a car.