I am working on cataloging my photos in preparation of a slideshow on my sightseeing page. I am wondering what you would like to see on it. Obviously I have thousands of photos of every aspect of Ireland.
Would you like each photo to have a caption? Or would that be distracting?
Do you prefer a slow, medium or fast slideshow?
What sort of photos do you prefer?
Would you like the option of clicking on a couple of different slideshows such as Gardens, Castles, Landscapes, Ocean, Stones, Cottages, Animals, etc.?
Would you like Irish music playing with the slideshow or would that be a distraction?
Do you have any other suggestions?
Tell me what your want so I can tailor the slideshow to your needs.
Many slideshows I see have a speed option. Or I can use the arrow keys to move things along at my own pace.
I prefer photos of Ireland (hee hee).
If you have as many photos as I would guess, probably sorting them into genres would be better. Of course the Irregulars are going to look at all of them anyway.
The music would be nice and if it is distracting we can just turn off our speakers.
Perhaps this could include links to our collections also? Not sure how that would work but it might be interesting.
I like the idea of links to other forum members photos. I could list them in a separate section under the slideshow. Then everyone can OD on Ireland.
Obviously I will not have all my photos on the slideshows. Only the best. I am currently sifting through them to choose the best. Then I need to do best of the best.
Just don't ask me to help choose. I can do pretty well when faced with a choice between two items, but any more than that and my brain rebels. Besides, I'd want to see them all.
Nice thing about these digital cameras; we can delete the not-quite-what-we-were-shooting-for shots. But be very careful (learn from my pain) and don't delete a whole day's photos accidentally.
Hi Michele, I can't wait to see the slide show. Personally, I think it would be great if it was organized by areas i.e region/county/town. I think medium would be great. You wouldn't want it fast because it's fun to look at details of a photo. Captions would be great, because not everyone would know what they are looking at.
Just my .00007458 Euros (get it, like my two cents). Cheer. Maggie
I think what was really helpful to me when I was trying to plan my trip was to be able to see where the photos were taken on the map of Ireland. Then I knew what I was going to see according to the route I was travelling. Is there a way you can put up a map of Ireland then when a location is clicked it links to photos taken in the area? I also like to be able to set the speed of the show myself or just click the arrow button for the next photo.
Good suggestion. I could put a photo of a map as part of the slideshow. As for an interactive map, I am not that technically advanced in my skills online to even think of how that could be done. That is why my site is pretty basic without all the flashy stuff that the "big guys" have. I will do some research to see about something like that though.
Ooh, Michele, I can't wait to see them! I like the other's suggestions for dividing them into areas. That would definitely be helpful to people planning future trips and wanting to get an idea of what different areas are like. I also like the idea of themes.
Music would be nice. If it's possible to have an option to mute it or turn it off, that might be helpful for those who might be doing "Ireland research" at times or places they might not want others to know - also know as avoiding work at work ;).