Hi, I will be doing overnight stays in Ennis, Killarney and Waterford, I was wondering what pubs or restaurants should I not miss in Ennis. We have plans for Bunratty Castle tour already, can't wait! What are suggestions for night activities in town of Killarney and Waterford that are must sees/do. Would love to blend in with the locals as much as possible, learn amount their culture more and what interests them.
P.S. Love your site, can't wait for the current guide book to arrive!
We enjoyed dinner at Cruise's in Ennis, and they have the Glor Music centre if you are into traditional music and the like. They should have a schedule of events. It would be a great place to mingle with the locals :)
Also check out Bunratty's Ceilidh in the Corn Barn - it's a lower-brow version of the medieval banquet.
Waterford I can't help you with :)
May the light be your guide and the darkness be your comfort!
Welcome to my forum! Night time events vary with the season. Sessions at pubs come and go. Best to check with your hosts, the local tourist office and just wak through town to see the notices put up on the outside of pubs announcing music, etc. Trad is getting harder to find. The Irish love country western music so you may find that instead. Take a look at Glor's site as Green Dragon advised. I, too, recommend Bunratty Irish Night.
Some other things that forum members have done to blend in with local activities is attend Bingo nights, go set dancing, attend a play or concert. Always ask what's on wherever you are.