Leaving on March 12th for 12 days. I've been checking the weather and it looks like it will be in the 40's - I am obssessing about this - don't want to make a mistake. I do get cold - so going back and forth between a 3/4 wool coat, or a warm wool jacket - to the knee - or a lighter weight wind breaker that has a hood but is not particularly warm although I am packing warm layers! Also, if I order your book tonight (Thursda) or tomorrow morning (Friday) (last year's? I don't think this year's is out yet) will I get it in time. I live in a suburb of Los Angeles. I would love the new copy but how many days will it take to receive this? Thanks so much! I love your web-site - it's fantastic! Sincerely, Joan Persky
Welcome to my forum. I find a hooded windbreaker best. Underneath it you can put a fleece or sweater (layers) to add extra warmth. If your windbreaker stops at the hip you might want some long underwear beneath your slacks. If you still find yourself cold in Ireland you can buy yourself a lovely memento in a wool Irish sweater. Be sure to bring a warm scarf, hat, gloves and some T-necks.
If you order my book with Pay Pal you will get it in three business days. The 2010 book is not out yet. I will make an announcement on the forum when it is ready.
Thanks so much for the jacket information! I am excited to go to your beautiful country!
I am not signed up for Pay Pal but may just do it quickly and see if I can get it done this AM! Thanks so much for all your help. I LOVE your web-site!
I wore an LL Bean rain coat/windbreaker with a hood and it was perfect. I bought a scarf in Ireland and it kept me cozy, cozy!!! The layers worked too...