Last evening was an education; but at least Ireland opened for them.
The contrails were amazing in a clear sky.
We had a wonderful view.
But all were safe of course.
Just some who were headed for the UK ended up at Shannon.
But at least here and safe now.
Off to An Post to see what the situation is now re air mail to the US. I suspect it will be OK. Wind due to change tomorrow and to stay in that good direction a long while and give the volcano time to settle down.
Irish and UK airspace is open. Transatlantic flights have landed in London Heathrow and at Dublin Airport.
The first flight that landed at Dublin Airport today is a Delta Airlines flight from Atlanta. That plane will also be the first flight to depart at 10.30am.
I'm sure it will take days, perhaps weeks to clear the backlog of passengers but at least planes are flying again.
Just back in home from an Irish Gift Trades Show in Secauscus, New Jersey. A good portion of the vendors come directly from Ireland, Scotland and Wales. We were short 30+ vendors who couldn't make it in because of the Ash issue. Those who made it in ahead of the problem are now facing the larger issue of getting home. Some are booking berths on Freighters crossing the Atlantic.
The Newark Aiport was jam packed with stranded passengers. Time & again, I heard the pleas of those who "had to be back home for <add a specific event here>"
Those who did make it in for the trade show did profit from there being less vendors. We added new suppliers that we probably wouldn't have.
Now tehre is talk of a second Volano getting ready to errupt. Should that happen, I forsee a boon in cross-atlantic ship travel. Longer than flying but, as one of the vendors from Kinsale said, "Our ancestors made a rougher journey to America".
Thoughts and prayers are with all of the friends I have in Ireland who will take the tourism hit. They certainly don't need it. However, they will do as the Irish have done through the ages, push on and make the best of it.