How do I get from Skibbereen to Dingle and Dingle to Shannon airport? Don't have car! Need public transportation. Bus eireann website hard to navigate. Please help
Skibbereen to Cork (237) Cork to Tralee (40A) Tralee to Dingle (275) just over 6 hours Dingle to Tralee (275) Tralee to Limerick (13) Limerick to Shannon (51) 4 to 5 hours.
The Bus Eireann timetables are available to down load but am having problems at the moment. Click the journey planner on the home page for your requirements, this can only be within 30 days of your planned trip.
Two rules for Ireland, Take your time & bring a sense of humour
Skibbereen is well served by bus's, Dingle is out on a peninsular and has little public transport. You would think it easy to get from Killarney to Dingle but then you would still have to go via Tralee. Out of season there can be only 2 bus's per week serving Dingle. A cab would be really expensive about 5 years ago I got stuck in Cork Airport without the Hire car booked with a "Respectable" company 11.30 at night and E120 cab fare to Killarney.
Two rules for Ireland, Take your time & bring a sense of humour
Welcome to my forum. I see that Tony has given you the info you need, so my thanks to him. Yes, getting around in rural Ireland can be a challenge and time consuming. Hope it works out for your trip.