Lou Convoy Unregistered User (7/10/01 10:10 pm) Reply Belleek China Factory Michele,
I'm enjoying your web site. Thank you for all your insights and tips so far. I'm slowly working my way through the archive but so far have not seen this question. Do you think it's worth going to the Belleek China Factory? Is it safe to cross into N. Ireland? We will be visiting with family in Sligo and thought we could do it from there. Is that feasable?
Michele Erdvig ezOP Posts: 128 (7/11/01 1:59 am) Reply Belleek China Factory Hi Lou,
Glad to hear that my web site is proving useful to you. I have to admit that I'm a little prejudiced in favor of the Belleek China Factory because I collect Belleek. However, the tour is fascinating and I especially enjoyed chatting with the workmen as they wove delicate baskets and applied tiny flowers by hand. There is also a small museum of fantastic old priceless pieces of Belleek as well as an audio/visual presentation. Then there's the shopping!! Now, don't get me started on that -- but the shop does have an extensive inventory including pieces you can only buy there and a sale corner, which I always head for first.
You can very easily do the Belleek Factory as a day trip from Sligo and don't be afraid of crossing the border. Belleek is just on the other side of the border and I've never seen or heard of any trouble there.
TIP: Be sure to visit on a weekday because the factory is closed on Saturday and Sunday (though the shop, a/v and museum are open every day). There is a very good cafe there.
Happy travels,
Michele Edited by: Michele Erdvig at: 7/11/01 2:02:09 am
DarrenA Registered User Posts: 1 (7/11/01 11:59 am) Reply Belleek And while you're there, drive a few more miles to Lough Navar Forest Park and check out the view from the Cliffs of Magho.
Michele Erdvig ezOP Posts: 130 (7/11/01 6:44 pm) Reply Lough Navar Forest Park Hi Darren,
I agree that Lough Navar Forest Park is a must. I think that people should get a little bolder, ignore the always bad news on TV and explore Northern Ireland -- even if it is just for a day trip. Once they see how beautiful it is they'll be hooked!
Lou Convoy Unregistered User (7/11/01 11:30 pm) Reply Thank You Michele & Darren,
Thanks! I am already checking the limits on my credit cards thinking about the sales corner at Belleek. The tip of going on a weekday is pricless. I never would have know it was closed on weekends if you hadn't told me. How do I find Lough Navar Park? Is it far from Belleek? My anticipation is growing. Maybe we can make a whole day of it.
irrover Unregistered User (7/12/01 9:42 am) Reply Lough Navar Forrest and Cliffs of Mahgo Lou, Go East from Belleek on the A46 which will then follow the south shore of Lower Lough Erne. In about 10 miles there will be an entrance to the park and view sites.
Michele Erdvig ezOP Posts: 132 (7/12/01 4:45 pm) Reply Day Trip: Belleek & Lough Navar Forest Park Hello again Lou,
To make a complete day trip of Belleek and Lough Navar Forest Park is a good idea. You can do a circle trip from Sligo by heading north to Ballyshannon and then east to Belleek. From Belleek do as irrover (Michael) suggested and continue east on the A46 and look for the signs for the park. Then continue on to Enniskillen and back to Sligo on the A4 & N16. If you have the time you can also make a stop at Marble Arch Caves, just south of Blacklion. I think it would make for a lovely day.