B&B I am trying to find out the name of a B&B outside of Kinsale. The only information I have regarding this B&B, is that it is a fairy farm, 12k outside Kinsale. I beleive it is to the north of Kinsale. The owner's names are Helen and Dan. Are you familiar with this B&B? Can you pass the name of it on to me. Thank you so much.
The fairy harvest takes place all year since a constant supply of them is needed in Ireland. It's the leprechauns that are harder to come by. After all, when's the last time you saw one at the leprechaun crossing at Ladies View?
garyvol Unregistered User (2/8/03 7:19 am)
crossing The only thing Mary and I saw crossing at Ladies View were some tourist kids chasing some sheep down the road. Perhaps the Leprechauns have a specific time of day crossing. Yikes, this conversation is going nowhere. -gary
dlp Unregistered User (2/8/03 8:48 am)
B&B I guess it pays to proof read. I did indeed mean to inquiry about a dairy farm and not a fairy farm. I thank you for your reply. That is the name of the farm I was looking for. Again, thanks for yur help.
I'm glad that I was able to track down the farm for you. I hope you enjoy staying there. And none of us was making fun of your proofing...instead we were just having a little fun. The world is a dull enough place and everyone on the forum enjoys good laugh. Thanks for amusing us for a while.
Happy travels,
garyvol Unregistered User (2/10/03 7:24 am)
the farm??? Queen Michele and Sir Bill cracked me up on that one, but it indeed was fun. BTW, I just bought a LEprechaun Crossing sign from the Christmas Tree Store (honest). Is their a certain protocal for posting it outside whether it points to the East, west, etc. Erin go Braugh -gary
The Leprechaun Crossing sign should always point toward Ireland. So it all depends on where you live. I actually saw a Fairy Crossing stepping stone at Home Depot Expo today!