Driving map of ireland Michele, Which of the maps on your web page would be best for a self driving vacation? I would think we would need one with detailed road listings. I just wasnt sure which one would be best for that.
The Michelin map is a good general purpose map of Ireland. One little trick for those who prefer larger print is to make copies of sections of the Michelin map enlarged by 150%. Then you won't have trouble folding and unfolding a map in the car and the section of Ireland on the enlarged sheet is probably as far as you will want to go in one day's travel.
If you prefer an atlas type map that is wire-bound like a book that you can flip through then I would recommend The Complete Road Atlas of Ireland.
Also, the one you get free from Tourism Ireland or you car rental company isn't half bad!
Dude Unregistered User (11/30/03 12:13 am)
Maps If you sign up for a package, for example CIE Tours (Aer Lingus, also, before they stopped doing the self-drives), they give you a nifty map/travel guide that we used almost exclusively. I have one of mine here next to the computer in case I want to look something up on a paper map.
mikey Unregistered User (11/30/03 2:07 pm)
maps As Michele syas, the car rental maps are pretty good. The one from National was so good that I packed away my michelin map. It showed small enough roads that we turned around becasue my friend felt we were on aa driveway in the Burren. As Michele says though you could just blow up the Michelin map ahead of time and then use the car rental map when you go to an area you didn't blow up..
Carrie Unregistered User (12/1/03 2:11 am)
Road atlas I drove solo all over Ireland last May. I don't know what I would have done without my Ordnance survey, "Complete road Atlas of Ireland." I loved the sprial bound instead of having to fight with a folding map, especially for a solo driver trying to drive and navagate at the same time! The detail in the atlas is very good. Takes up more room in the luggage, but I found it well worth it.
wojazz3 Registered User Posts: 313 (12/1/03 1:14 pm)
Re: Driving map of ireland Michelin alsom has a spiral bound map and it includes Great Britain. I've always used that version. I also have the Ordinance survey map which is fantastic when you get off the beaten path. It has more roads listed than either Michelin or the standard rental maps. It's only problem is that you will have to turn pages quite a bit because of the scale. Still, it works great.