tip for VAT taxes We went to Ireland in the beginning of October. I made sure and kept all the VAT receipts and i'm glad i did. I contacted one of the companies that sends refunds about three weeks ago and asked them when to expect a check (i listed all the #s). They were very prompt responding and said they would be sending a check for most of them but did not have three of them (the biggest ones wouldn't you know!) She was very nice and told me how to get the copies of the VAT slips to them. I got a check for the first batch last week! My suggestion is to KEEP THOSE RECEIPTS!
Excellent advice for everyone. Thank you. I always recommend keeping your reciepts and also making copies of anything you must turn in with the VAT forms (including the form itself). Spending a euro on copies can save you lots of money on VAT. Planning ahead is essential. Glad to hear your first check arrived. They do take their time, don't they?
P.S. Keep those good tips coming. There is a whole new bunch of people going to Ireland in 2004! They will appreciate what you have learned.