fuel price Any idea what the fuel prices are in Ireland. If the location matters: Clare, Kerry, Cork areas.
In Euros/liter is fine I can convert to English
Trying to get a handle for how much we are going to spend in gas driving around. I assume that the gas stations take Visa. Right?
Thanks for the great site Michele!
stannnseniors Unregistered User (3/5/04 12:38 pm)
fuel We drove 850 miles on $50 in November last year (and that's bringing it back to the rental place where it was on the gauge)
gillespie Unregistered User (3/5/04 12:51 pm)
gas/mileage Stan, what was your itinerary? And was your "total" trip 850 miles? $50.00 sounds not bad to me!
garyvol Unregistered User (3/5/04 1:51 pm)
gas prices WoW I think st.ann did great(actually fantastic) for 850 miles. Mary and I chose to go with a BMW automatic rental. Probably not very economical. But my tall frame made it a practical choice for comfort. We traveled about 700 miles. Let say a BMW gets 25 miles to the gallon (4 liters+ = a gallon)= about $5.00. We may have used about 30 gallons (for 700+miles) of gas @$5 = $150.00 If my figures seem wrong, please correct them. We drove the car across country and side trips so I guess it adds up. -gary
Glad to be of help. I trust you found the petrol prices you needed for budgeting?
Michael Unregistered User (3/7/04 4:45 pm)
fuel price Yes I did. I know it can all change in a few months, but it gives us a good idea. It looks like it's running about $3.60-$3.80/gallon.
Glad I rented a sub-compact...
stannseniors Registered User Posts: 84 (3/8/04 12:03 pm)
gas gillespie, this was our itinerary - i did want to say - i didn't count the $that was already in the rental car agreement (since we started with a full tank) but we only stopped twice for gas $50 total. Oct 3 Bunratty Oct 4 Killkenny Oct 5 Kinsale/Cobh Oct 6 Kinsale/Cobh Oct 7 Killarney Oct 8 Killarney Oct 9 Doolin Oct 10 Bunratty These were the towns we stayed in but did side trips and stopped sometimes in between.
My journal is on the other section of this site if you want to read it---
Allison Unregistered User (3/8/04 5:16 pm)
Gas I can't remember how much we spent on gas last year, but we put 1300 miles on the car - hubby just called, says we filled up twice plus replenishing what we had to start, so we spent about $140. That's a lot for gas on a weekly basis, but if you think about what you see for the price of gas, it's worth it to me!
The cars over there are much more economical than what we are used to here! (I confess to driving an SUV that gets about 20 miles on the highway!)
wojazz3 Registered User Posts: 381 (3/8/04 6:11 pm)
Re: Gas Wow, that car must have been running on peanuts. 850 miles at $50.00 would be about 65 mpg. I need a car like that.