This is probably a strange one! First of all, our children gave us Ireland for Christmas! Yes, I've got seven great kids!
I'll have several questions as we only have a little more than a month before our trip. Hope I don't "overdo it" with questions!
My dilemma - My sweet wife LOVES fireworks. Our last night in Ireland is March 17th. We fly out from the Shannon the next morning. I realize Dublin will probably have fireworks, but I am leery about trying to make an early morning flight at Shannon having to drive from Dublin. Anyone one know of any fireworks displays or suggestions to find out about any? I had originally planned on spending our last night in Limerick and then make the short drive from there to Shannon.
Thanks in advance for any thoughts! (Trip dates - March 8-18). Have a great day and Lord bless!
BTW, great forum!
The LORD is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him. - Nahum 1:7 (KJV)
I know Limerick sometimes has fireworks for St Pats and held the 2010 skyfest but the event detail for this year is still to be updated. To be honest whilst the Fireworks in Dublin are prety good its not ideal driving all the way across and either Limerick or Galway (where I'll be) have excelent parades and celebrations.