When we had the privilege of traveling to China last year, customs was adventurous, but not that big of a deal.
I'd like information as to how the VAT forms work. Do you use them for each merchant or fill them out the night before you leave and turn them in at the airport? Just anything and everything VAT would be a great help!
Thanks for all the help this forum gives. Invaluable!!
The LORD is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him. - Nahum 1:7 (KJV)
As a ROUGH Rule-Of-Thumb, only purchases to be taken home are elegible for VAT refunds -- think sweaters, t-shirts, pottery and the like. You must request a VAT Back form from the merchant, so a single, 2 Euro 'fridge magnet purchace isn't worth the time and trouble.
You can fill out your part of the paperwork at any time. You can even wait until you get home, but you will then have to have the form Notorized ...
If you pay with a Credit Card, the larger merchants (like Quill's or Blarney Woolen Mills) will deduct the VAT at time of purcharce, but then you MUST file the Vat-Back by the referenced deadline, or they WILL charge the VAT to the Credit Card later --
Trust me on THAT ..... I learned the hard way!!!!
Procrastination is NOT a good thing ...
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As Bob pointed out it is not worthwhile getting VAT forms for small purchases. If you are purchasing something over 20 euro then ask the merchand for a form. In some cases you will get a plastic card that looks like a credit card in others it will be paperwork. Take a large envelope with you and keep all your VAT forms together in it. You will have to fill them out before departure. I like to actually make copies of them before turning them in at the airport. That way I have proof of purchases in case my refund does not come through.
I have on occasion done the VAT refund when I got back to the USA. They do have to be notorized and I did that at AAA for free.
You will either get cash back on departing Ireland or have the refund put onto your credit card. If VAT was deducted at the store you definitely need to file the papers or - as Bob cautioned - you will see the charge back on your credit card.