First, thanks to EVERYONE for all the advice and help. We had a wonderful time!
I'll post in the trip report section on the specifics over the next few days. This was our first (hopefully not last) trip to Ireland. Perhaps some of our experiences will be of help to other "newbies."
Overall, it was a wonderful experience! Very little we would change. Of course, we feel better prepared for a future trip now that we have a wee bit of experience.
BTW, it has been reported that the Irish economy did very well during our stay! Glad we could help out!
Lord bless and have a great day!
The LORD is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him. - Nahum 1:7 (KJV)
Welcome back! Glad to hear you had a good tiem. We will look forward to hearing all the details when you get over the jet lag. Thanks for boosting the Irish economy!
I'm slow, aren't I? Right when we got back from Erin, our daughter and her family from China stayed with us for a few weeks. She delivered grandchild #5 for us (her fourth) and that kept us busy for a while. Needless to day, I have not given our trip report and for that, I am sorry, but I will begin work on that this week.
And yes, Melissa, we got to hear some good Trad! O'Connor's in Doolin was a fun place to hear good music. Of course, we did not get to hear enough good Trad, since there is no such thing as "enough" when it comes to that!
Michele, my apologies to you personally for not being better about reporting on our trip, the good and the bad (and there was nothing really bad!). You provide this site to all of us as a wonderful service and since I benefited from your advice, feel like I have not in turn given back whit I received. I will do better!
Take care and have a great day!
The LORD is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him. - Nahum 1:7 (KJV)
No need to apologize. Your family and new grandchild are much, much more important than any trip report. We will await it at your convenience. We have often had trip reports even a year later! I know we will enjoy it when you have the time.