I have been working on my dilemma of not knowing EXACTLY when I am "going into the west" while I am in Ireland (May 6-18). I took your advice, Michele, and called kemwel here in the U.S. They said I could lock in the price and that I could change the dates if I had to when I get over there. So far, so good.
Now, I will be taking the train from Dublin to Galway and pick the car up there for my trip to Donegal. The only pickup place is the Galway airport, and I don't know where that is in relation to the train station. Anyone out there know the answer to this? I am imagining it will be fairly easy to get a taxi to the airport from the train station.
The rental price is fairly salty, although not astronomical. $250.00 (or so) for 4 days. I suppose the daily rate is cheaper for longer rentals. I had a car for 2 weeks last time and it wasn't this costly by the day. I will decline the CDW, as I purchased excess insurance form Ins4carhire, like I did last time. Covers tires, windshields, the whole works.
Well, if there is anything I need to know, this is the place to find out.
I booked 14 days in June with Kemwel for $427. Today's rate is $576. Galway also has a bus system that you might be able to use. I have traveled the train from Clara, Co. Westmeath to Dublin several times. I would imagine the trip from Dublin to Galway to be a nice and scenic ride.
The Airport is out north of the city and there is only one regular bus Mon-Fri so if you are unable to match the time to the pick up then taxi might be the only option.
Generally the rentals of a week or more come down in price. There could also be a fee for Galway as opposed to the major airports. I assume you are declining CDW and putting it on your World MasterCard? Or perhaps you are taking the CDW and have the Super CDW covered by insurance4carhire? Is there any way you can have the car delivered to you in Galway as opposed to getting to the airport?
I did not ask that question. I will certainly try to find out - it would be great to eliminate the extra hassle of getting to the airport. But at least now I know I can get this accomplished without refinancing my house.