Greetings to all here at the best Ireland Forum on the net...
Days become weeks, become months, etc. and time has truly gotten away from me since my trip to Ireland in May. I apologize for the delay, because both of my trips over would have been much more difficult had it not been for the advice so freely given here. My first trip was as a tourist, and, as such, I had a lot to say about a lot of places we visited, as we traveled over 1500 miles (give or take a few). This trip was very different; I returned as a friend and as family. It was a great joy and a revelation on a very personal level. I think perhaps that is why I have hesitated, feeling what I had to say might not be of much interest to you all. Even so, I feel I should share some of it here, because I feel as if I know some of you personally.
It will be short and sweet and found in the Trip Report section under the title, Short and Sweet.
Thanks for everything. I know I will be calling on you again before too long.
I know how that happens! It happens to me and to all of us. Everyday life takes over and propels us forward at warp speed. Thanks for the "short and sweet" report. I just read it and enjoyed a different slant on Ireland and on traveling.