We would like to get a little hospitality gift for our B & B hosts. Didn't know if they would like a souvenier from the US or if something else would be better. Any ideas?
Have you read my B&B Etiquette page? I discuss host gifts at the end of the article.
Your hosts would love to receive a nice thank you card. Many of them display them on their mantle. Also leaving a nice review (if deserved) on one of the review websites will be appreciated.
I often bring postcards from my home area, and write the thank you on the back of them, leave them for them in the room. Last time me and my traveling companion were from two different places, so we each left one (Florida and West Virginia)
I always give a detailed review on Tripadvisor, as well. If you enjoyed your stay and feel comfortable doing so, it may be kind to email the owners first with your review, and ask if they have any comments on any bad parts.
May the light be your guide and the darkness be your comfort!