After much time spent reading and searching the trip has been put together! We will be leaving Nashville on July 11 arriving in Shannon the next morning. I had originally booked my first two nights at Bunratty B&B but Mary Browne had emailed me and that establishment has recently closed. Our reservations have been changed by Mary to Gallowsview. Any feedback on this property is welcome! The next 6 nights we will be on the Beara Peninsula at the Lavender Lodge. This place looks amazing and Ann Browne (owner) is super sweet. We leave there on the 21st and travel to Kilkenny for 2 nights. We will finish up our trip in Dublin for an additional two nights. I secured our car through Dooley and airfare very reasonable. There will be 5 of us and I anticipate a great time! Any suggestions are welcome! Does anyone know if Waterford crystal tours are available?
Thanks to Michele's book I feel like I am very prepared for the trip! Bunratty B&B listed in the previous edition of the book is closed for business. Also the dochara code on Dooley's website is now a 5% savings as opposed to 10%.
Michele I enjoy your website every night before bed!
Yes Waterford Crystal are still running tours showing exactly the same processes as they did before they moved into the new Centre. Get 2 for 1 Discount using the same Heritage pass as we did last September
You will have a lovely time! I loved Beara. We only spent a couple nights in Kenmare, but with 6 you will have plenty of time to explore. Be sure to explore Gleninchaquin Park. There are stone circles, waterfalls, all sorts of lovely things. Near the tip, there is a huge Ogham stone (you have to walk through someone's farm to get to it, but go ahead!).
May the light be your guide and the darkness be your comfort!
Glad to hear you check in here every night. There is usually something new going on. Yes, unfortunately Mary at Bunratty Lodge decided to retire. I stayed at Gallow's Hill many years ago and it was fine. It has new owners now and I haven't been there since. If Headley Court is full you could also look at Bunratty Manor or Bunratty Meadows.
Lavender Lodge looks terrific. You will have to let us know how you liked it. Hope you get out to Josie's Restaurant while there.
Unfortunately the Dooley discount was decreased to 5% some time ago. But every little bit helps.
As Tony indicated Waterford crystal is open again. I took the tour of the new facility and it is very good - up close and personal. It's smaller and more intimate than the old huge factory.
I hope you let us know about your trip when you get back.