Welcome to the forum. Your English is good. Much better than my French! Congratulations on your upcoming vow renewals.
Gougane Barra is very isolated. The only accommodation nearby is the Gougane Barra Hotel, which is right there. If you don't mind a drive of about an hour you could look at self-catering rentals in Kenmare or Glengarriff. Kenmare is a larger town than Glengarriff so will have more to offer. I know a few rentals that might work for you. Let me know, if that is an option. If you want to be right there, then the Gougane Barra Hotel is you only option.
Here is a link to a wedding photographer: http://www.thekerryweddingphotographer.com/ I am sure that the Gougane Barra Hotel could supply you with other info since they cater for weddings all the time.
contact Jennifer Muldowney of Roxypop. She is a wedding planner in Ireland... She should be able to help you plan a fabulous event. Tell her that Bit Devine suggested that you contact her for assistance.
Congratulations on the upcoming 20th Anniversary! Quite the accomplishment!
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communiquez avec JenniferMuldowneydeRoxypop.Elle estun planificateur de mariageen Irlande...Elledevraitêtre en mesure devous aider à planifierun événement fabuleux.Dites-lui queBit Devinesuggéré que vousla contacterpourde l'aide.
Yes Michele I don't mind a drive of about an hour , if you have some rentals to tell me, i would take them gladly.
thanks for your advice CowboyCraic, but i try to organize this event myself, perhaps it won't be as fabulous as a wedding planner could do but it will be my gift for my darling. But i have a look to her internet site and i could contact her and tell her about BitDevine, thanks for that.
I have three years to organize this intimate event and with your help, it will be an outstanding event.