I'm not real tech savvy (but gaining on it) and had some trouble putting lat. & long. Coordinates in to my Garmin Nuvi 55 that I purchased IN Ireland during our last trip. I finally found a U-tube video tutorial that really helped!
I thought I might share my findings:
You start with your PC (works with Windows, Mac, and Lennox). Install the free "Google earth" if you don't have it. In the search bar you type in name of attraction and city, i.e. (Moorings Portmagee). Right below several options may appear right below the search box. Select and click on the one that most fits your search. Click on search. The earth will spin untill the place you have selected is centered on your screen. With the mouse arrow click on the "thumb tack" icon top left side. The thumb tack should move to the selected centered spot on the screen and instantly the lat./long. numbers come up in a text box on the left side in a format that is comparable with most GPS units.
It was a little confusing putting these numbers in the Nuvi. Ireland uses N (north) and W (west). Scroll down finding "coordinates" Two boxes a should appear, probably containing the coordinates of your present location. Tap on the top box and you can start inputting the lat. numbers for N. ( Hint: there were 3 available digits places in the first section so you just enter "0" where no number is needed/utilized. When finished tap box with the W portion inputting long. Numbers. Tap next and a small google map will pop up on GPS with a flag marking the spot. At this time you can select save which will put it in the "favorites" category Allowing you to create a name for this waypoint. Once you start to navigate, you call up "favorites", scroll down to your "saved" destination and "go"
I need to find out how many pre-sets "favorites" it will hold. May need to add as we go along. No excuse for getting lost now. And if we do, the GPS programmer can assume blame. This will allow the navigator to focus on the paper map.
I can't wait to try it out in a few weeks.!
Just a little add on here: there are 3 different formats for expressing coordinates. You can go on google earth (follow tutorial instructions) and select the easy format. Then to set your gps up for this same format (if necessary) go into your gps under "settings" (may be a picture of a little wrench). Choose "units and times". Choose "position Format". Then choose "coordinate format". This is how I did it on my Garmin nuvi 55, your model may differ! Upon further examination, I actually may not be using the easiest version as I have been dealing with degrees, feet and inches. But I'm now use to that format and It appears to be working. So far, I have saved 20 locations into my "favorites" and when I click on them, it looks pretty accurate according to the mini Google-like map, that shows up on the bottom right side of my GPS. Will find out soon!
As far as an out-of-date gps, of course roads change, new ones built, businesses move, etc. However, Latitutude and longitude are always fixed and in congested areas are accurate within 5-15 feet.
For example, I was looking for the entrance to the parking garage for the Scott Hotel in Killarney. Using the hotels written instructions, I was able to find the street name, drop the little yellow man down onto the street and then advance, looking up and down the street in till I found the street view of the street entrance to the alley way to the parking garage. Then I went to google earth,dropped the yellow thumb tack onto that spot on the street, and got the exact Lat. Long. It was fairly difficult to spot at first but by using zoom and taking the little yellow man 2-3 trips up and down the street, I was able to spot it, along with the smallish sign that said "Scott Hotel Parking". It will be handy when we are out on our day trips, no matter what direction and where we are from Killarney, I will be able to go to favorites, select Scott Hotel Parking, and it will take us home!! (I hope!)