PaddyKraska Registered User Posts: 14 (2/18/03 6:43 pm)
Feb 5th, 2003- Athy & Moone- Pt 2 Part 2 We had asked around trying to find out if there was any public internet access, no one seemed to know of any. So as we were sitting in the middle of Athy town square (all 300 sq feet of it), Up drives a wee truck with on it. A young guy got out, so I asked him. He looked at me funny and pointed over my shoulder and said,"The library". Lo and behold, the lady told me that I would have to be a member, so I ponied up 4.50e and had internet for the days we were in Athy! She had actually waffled about me having to be a member when she found out I was from the US and was only going to make me pay for access, but I told her I wanted the library card! (soon to be framed!) My sister in law was having a mastectomy, and I just wanted to check and see if there was any news. I am normally a news junkie (2 papers & at least 2 news shows a day) but I didn’t miss it at all the whole time we were over- it just seemed so removed from where we were. Jeff – normally a big city boy, was charmed with Athy as well. He really wants to go back to Ireland, especially the Kildare area. It was so neat to just be in a small town. Everyone seemed interested in where we were from and where we were going- and more than glad to lend an opinion or two! We stopped at a tiny market (way smaller than most convience stores over here) to pick up some soda for the nite. Lovely lady behind the counter, friendly as all of them!! I had booked our second nite at a b&b called Woodecourte House- advertised in the T&C book as in Athy. Weeeellll…. If you call about 10 miles and in the outskirts of Moone Athy, you were right. It was very far out as far as I was concerned. Here we get to what the Irish call close and what us Yanks would. It was supposed to be on the bus line, but it was a good mile down a hill to the bus, and they don’t run late out in the boonies. I wouldn’t even want to think about a trek uphill after hitting a pub or two! It was smack dab next to the Pewter Mill, which I had seen advertised. This being our first time in a b&b, I was a little apprehensive. I mean, its not every day you appear on someone you don’t knows’ doorstep expecting a bed for a piece of paper! Pat was lovely and introduced us at the door, and we mace arrangements for him to come back later and take us into Athy again to go to O’brians pub. Walked thru the door, and it was FRIGID!! I mean almost colder than outside!! (Point- Jeff had the flue the week before we left, so much so that he missed a full week of work, and we were worried he wouldn’t be able to go) The Donoghues were lovely, but seemed a wee bit ditzy. The mister claimed he didn’t get our final confirmation (I have the email confirmation) and the room wasn’t ready. No problem, we sat in front of the fire in the lounge and sucked down some wonderful coffee. Still cold. (this was about 3:30p). Jeff was getting a little agitated. They were moving beds around, so Jeff went out to offer help and “inquire” about the heat. They said they would be turning it on soon. (IT WAS OFF??) So we sat in front of the fire some more and just enjoyed being in Ireland. 4p- they said the room was good, so we loaded our bags up in the room and ran back to the fire. (still no heat) So, Jeff went and “inquired” again. By this time I guess he was getting on the missuss’ nerves, ‘cause she came into the lounge said, “Aye, your man takes a bit of a chill, doesn’t he? You need to buy him a wooly jumper.” Jeff was just looking perplexed, having no clue what a wooly jumper was. LOL, I laughed so hard at his face, and it became an inside joke- every store we went into, we asked about wooly jumpers. (Just a pullover sweater guys!) The room was finally warm about 5ish, so we went in and got a bit settled. I really think it must take a special kind of person to run a b&b well- I couldn’t imagine just letting anyone in my house and trusting them so completely!
Karan Unregistered User (2/25/03 9:46 am)
Ireland Heat Paddy - Just an FYI to Jeff:
Most B
Karan Unregistered User (2/28/03 9:18 am)
Ireland Heat 2 Paddy - It looks like my posting got cut off????
FYI, most B&B's and small family run hotels shut their heat off in the morning, and turn it back on around 5pm.