Train/bus pass I know there has been some questions regarding here regarding the Emerald pass for train and bus travel, but there wasn't anyone who had recently used one that could answer the questions. Well, I made good use of one on my three week visit, and the thing I want to stress the most is to do your research before you go. Know the schedules before you go. I don't say this because I ran into a lot of difficulty, but I did run into one situation where the schedule I had printed off of the internet told me I could get from Cashel to Kilkenny by transferring at Porloise, but everyone tried to tell me I had to go back through Cahir. This would have added four hours to my journey, so I can't stress enough that you check and print off all schedules you think you will need. Having said that, this pass couldn't be easier to use. The only trouble I had was right at the start when I went to purchase it in Dublin and had a hard time finding anyone who could really explain it. The first mistake I made was in going into the office for Irish rail to try to purchase it, you can't, you have to purchase it from the bus company. Then the guy at the bus company couldn't tell me if I needed to book a train ticket in advance or if I just had to show my pass at the gate. In the end I found out that all you have to do is just write in the date of travel just before you board your first train or bus for the day and show it to the bus driver or ticket inspector on the train when they ask. If you are travelling on a route that has a lot of pick-up points on the train keep the pass handy, I was asked for my ticket three times on the trip from Dublin to Killarney. This pass is very good value as train tickets are quite expensive, especially if you are doing a lot of one way travel like I was. I bought the one for 8 days travel out of fifteen, and only used six days of it, but it still cost me less than buying individual tickets. This pass is also good on some of the city bus services as well.
CatMoore Registered User Posts: 1 (5/5/03 9:49 am)
Luggage Storage Hi Anita!
How was the luggage storage handled on the buses and trains?
Cat Moore
Anita Unregistered User (5/5/03 10:45 am)
Self storage I only had my pack so I carried everything on the train myself and generally just left it on an empty seat beside me.Only once was the train to full to do that, then I just found a place to stash it where there was room behind a couple of seats near the back wall. If your bag is too big to fit on the overhead racks you can put it in the luggage space that is near the doors, a kind of closet.